Umami Asian Cuisine Bellevue Nebraska

1504 Galvin Rd S, Bellevue, NE 68005, USA

About Umami Asian Cuisine Bellevue Nebraska

    South of the Fontenelle Forest Nature Center and South of Bellevue University, Chef Keen Zheng has spent the last thirteen years learning from New York City's greatest sushi chefs.

    He began his training in 2004 at the Michelin-starred eatery Kayonama under Chef Nobuyuki Shikanai and Chef Daigo Yamaguchi. In 2008 Chef Zheng moved to 15 East, a second of only 10 Michelin-starred sushi restaurants in the United States, to be the second sushi chef working alongside renowned Chef Masato shimizu.

    Our Address

    1504 Galvin Rd S, Bellevue, NE 68005, USA

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